Tuesday, 6 March 2012

'Meeting Daddy' in the Official Selection at the 36th Atlanta Film Festival

Last week we received the fantastic news that our project 'Meeting Daddy' has been selected for the 36th Atlanta Film Festival. It is brilliant news to be picked for any festival, but it's an even more incredible feeling to make it into one from the Academy Awards list.

I'm most happy for the cast and crew, as a festival appearance rewards all of their hard work and allows other people to view it on the big screen. Making a film is always a nerve racking experience, so for the director Rebecca Rycroft, I was so thrilled for her for the achievement of her first short behind the camera.

We have been confirmed to play in the BBC America Narrative Shorts block, which means we screen alongside five other excellent UK shorts. Proving that filmmaking is an extremely small world, 'Tooty's Wedding' is also playing in the same programme and is co-written, produced and starring the lead actor in 'Meeting Daddy', Ben Willbond. It must be an amazing feeling for an actor to feature as the lead role in an festival selected film, but to be in two in the same selection at the same festival must be even more so.

At this point, I need to mention Clementine Starling, who was sensational playing Ben's daughter, character title "Girl". She brings the likability and vulnerability to a character that so easily could have come across selfish in the wrong hands.

The whole crew on this shoot were a blessing, coming in and working insanely hard with very little budget available and very little time, to make a short we are all proud of.

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